Sunday, May 25, 2008

AWESOME Testimonial from Erika Kiss

Hey CrossFitters,

More and more people are starting to understand and believe in the potent power of CrossFit training. Here's another Crossfit testimonial from our very own Erika Kiss.

CrossFit works! Plain and simple. My name is Erika and I have been training with CrossFit for almost 9 months. I can honestly say that even though I’ve always trained one way or another, ever since I started doing CrossFit, I started to see my significant transformation. My arms became more defined; my abs became more defined and I was becoming stronger and stronger as the weeks were going by. I feel better and healthier than I ever felt, and I have more energy.

One of the best things about this program is that it's always something new and challenging. I have to be honest, the first couple of weeks were not easy, it still isn’t, after 9 months, but when you start seeing changes in your body and appearance, it is all worth it. Another thing that I noticed was, that people who saw me fairly often were constantly telling me that I look better and healthier, and they were asking me if I was doing anything different than my normal routine. The only thing that I was and I’m still doing is CrossFit.

As far as my diet goes, it is nothing special, I definitely eat more than I used to, but my diet is based on lean protein, vegetables and complex carbs. Trying to stay away from sugar (although I love sweets, I know this is a big thing, especially for women, we seem to like sugar more than guys).

Before I started CrossFit, I was in the gym at least 4-5 times a week, doing cardio and strength training, I was in pretty good shape, but I never really saw any changes in my appearance, so this is why I can say from personal experience that although it is hard work, it is fun, challenging and makes you realize that your body is able to do more than you actually think it can.

I know there are a lot of people that just joined or are thinking about joining the CrossFit team, my only advice is to do the best you can, have fun, challenge yourself and build some strength and endurance while you’re doing it. It really works!

Erika Kiss
May 15th, 2008

CrossFit Thoroughbreds "Xtreme Fitness 4 Xtreme People"

Jeremy Barnett, ISSA-CFT, Founder

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