Wednesday, May 12, 2010

EA Blog is MOVING!!!!!

Hey CrossFitters,

Here's quick note for you. The Evolved Athletics Blog Page will be shut down the end of today. You can now go to to view all our daily workouts.
Please save this page in your "Favorites".

We will no longer be known as Evolved Athletics.
We will now be known as CrossFit Thoroughbreds and Thoroughbred Youth Athletics.

I also have some very exciting news for each of you. I am in the process of working out a deal with Zuleta's Indoor Batting Cages for a permanent home for all of us to train again. Julio Zuleta and I will be finalizing our arrangements this week and should hopefully be up and running next Monday.

You can visit Zuleta's website here:

Zuleta's Indoor Batting Cages
11495 S. Cleveland Ave
Ft. Myers, Fl. 33907

I'd also like to thank AnnMarie and Dino for their help and support in giving CrossFit Thoroughbreds a temporary home during this transitional phase. When the chips are down it's nice to know my CrossFitters have my back. Thank you so much for your continued support, encouragement and loyalty.

I look forward to working with each of you next week in our new home.
Time to get back to what we do best. Training Hard!

If you need more info. please contact me at 239-851-3940 or at

Thank you,

Jeremy Barnett
CrossFit Thoroughbreds

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wed. 5-12-2010 At Home WOD

21, 15, 9 Timed!

Lunges (each leg)
Push Ups
Lateral Lunges (each leg)
Planks (60 sec.)
Squat Jumps
(If you have Dumbbells at home do Dumbbell Bent Over Rows or MMA Rows)

Monday, May 10, 2010

5-10-2010 Gym WOD's

AnneMarie's House WOD:
Thanks for coming out today: Janet, Lily & AnneMarie

2-Rounds: Do as many reps as possible for the duration of the rower.
Row 500 m. (Rower sets the time for each exercise)

Front Squats (Men 95lbs., Women 45lbs.)

KB Sinlge Arm Shoulder Press Round 1-Left, Round 2-Right
(20-30lbs., Women 10-20lbs)

Alternating Lunges

KB 2-Hand Swings (Men 40-50lbs., Women 25-40lbs)

3:00pm Warehouse WOD:
Thanks for coming out today: Dino, Jeremy R., Lily, Cordula, Angie

Strength WOD:
Practice Snatch 5 x 3
Snatch Pulls 5 x 6
Back Squat 3 x 20 @ 50% 1RM
GHD Hypers 3 x 12
GHD Weighted Sit Ups 3 x 12

4:00pm EA Youth Club Warehouse WOD:
Thanks for coming out today: Darian, Drew, Max, Jake, Cameron & Emilio

Strength WOD:
Overhead Squat 5 x 5 
GHD Hypers 3 x 12
GHD Weighted Sit Ups 3 x 12

2-Rounds: Do as many reps as possible for the duration of the rower.
Row 500 m. (Rower sets the time for each exercise)

Front Squats (Men 95lbs., Women 45lbs.)

KB Sinlge Arm Shoulder Press Round 1-Left, Round 2-Right 
(20-30lbs., Women 10-20lbs)

Alternating Lunges

KB 2-Hand Swings (Men 40-50lbs., Women 25-40lbs)

6:00pm Warehouse WOD:
Thanks for coming out today:  AnneMarie & James

Strength WOD:
Back Squat 10, 8, 6, 4
Conventional Deadlift 10, 8, 6, 4
GHD Hypers 3 x 12
GHD Weighted Sit Ups 3 x 12

2-Rounds: Do as many reps as possible for the duration of the rower.
Row 500 m. (Rower sets the time for each exercise)

Front Squats (Men 95lbs., Women 45lbs.)

KB Sinlge Arm Shoulder Press Round 1-Left, Round 2-Right 
(20-30lbs., Women 10-20lbs)

Alternating Lunges

KB 2-Hand Swings (Men 40-50lbs., Women 25-40lbs)

Tues. 5-11-2010 At Home WOD

Complete 4-Rounds  Timed!

60- Sec. Mountain Climbers
Back Pedal 50 m.
Sprint 50 m.
50 Leg Raises
Back Pedal 50 m.
Sprint 50 m.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mon. 5-10-2010 At Home WOD

20-Rounds Timed!

5 squats
5 push-ups
5 sit ups

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fri. 5-7-2010 At Home WOD

WOD: 5 Rounds Timed!

10 - Push Ups

        Lateral Shuffle 60 feet Left

10 - Lunges each Leg

        Lateral Shuffle 60 feet Right

10 - Jump Squats

       Sprint 60 feet

10 - Burpies

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You're Missing Out!

For those of you that didn't make it to AnneMarie's house this morning  or to the temporary location off of Crystal Dr. here's what you missed.

If you can make it to AnneMarie's house at 6am or 7am Mon., Wed., or Fri. please call me at 239-851-3940 or email me at to RSVP your spot.

If you can make it to the temporary location off of Crystal Dr. at 6pm  Mon., Wed., or Fri. please call me at 239-851-3940 or email me at to RSVP your spot.

5-5-2010 WOD:
Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches
Deadlift High Pulls

WOD: 3-Rounds Best Time
10- Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (Men-95lbs., Women 65lbs.)
15- KB Cleans (each arm) (Men-40-50lbs., Women 20-30lbs)
20- Push Ups
25- Squats
30- MB Trunk Rotations (each side)
Run 1/4 Mile

7am Times:
AnneMarie 23:50
Lily 24:20
Julie 25:00
Cordula 24:17
Patrick 30:09
Janet 25:30

3pmTimes: EA Youth Club
Bonnie 24:52 (Sub with rower 400 m.)
Riley 16:30
Jake 24:35
Dino 15:00 (2-rounds) Happy Birthday Dino!!!

6pm Times:
Jeremy B. 25:02
Ben H. 19:17

Thrs. 5-6-2010 At Home WOD

WOD: 3 Rounds Timed!

50 Sit Ups
50 Jumping Jacks
50 Hyperextensions
50 Jumping Jacks
50 Mountain Climbers

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wed. 5-5-2010 At Home WOD

WOD: 8 Rounds

Run 1 minute
Squat 1 minute
Push Ups 1 minute

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tues. 5-4-2010 At Home WOD


10x 50 meter sprints

Ready to Train????

Hey CrossFitters,

We had a great workout today at AnneMarie's house.  AnneMarie, Julie, Janet and Cordula came out at 7am to sweat it out Boot Camp style. Thank you so much for having us over AnneMarie.

For those of you that can make it at 7am on Mon., Wed., & Fri. to train with us we'd love to have you. Please RSVP your spot by calling 239-851-3940 or by email at

AnneMarie's Address:
1576 Beechwood Trail
Ft. Myers, Fl. 33919

Off of College Pkwy. & Whiskey Creek.
Call for Directions: 239-895-8015

Below is the WOD they completed today.

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches
Deadlift High Pulls
Light Jog
Fast Jog

WOD # 1: Complete 2 Rounds
20- Squats
20-Push Ups

Then Complete........

WOD #2: (1 min. work, 20 sec. rest, 4-rounds)
1-Arm KB Swings (2-left, 2-right)
Rower (Goal 25 calories each min.)
MB Thrusters
Lateral Hurdle High Steps

Hope you'll join us!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mon. 5-3-2010 At Home WOD

WOD: 3 rounds...for time

Squats x 20
Burpies x 20
Push-Ups x 20

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sat. 5-1-2010 Boot Camp

Two Teams
Event #1:

3-Rounds: Each Team Member

6 Tire Flips

Overhead Plate Carry 100’

1-Lap Around Bldg.

Event #2:

KB Shuttle Runs:

(2 Rounds each team member)

25, 30, 35, 40

Event #3:

Burpee Challenge:

(3 Rounds each team member)

5 Burpees

Friday, April 30, 2010

Fri.4-30-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches
Pole Sumo Deadlift
Practice MB Push Ups Beginner/Intermediate

WOD: (21, 15, 9)- Timed
Single Arm KB Deadlift High Pulls (Heavy)
Push Ups

We have a space to train!

Hey CrossFitters,

I have spoken with CrossFit Estero and unfortunately we could not come to a reasonable business agreement. So we will not be going to train with them next week. On a good note. One of our CF members AnneMarie has offered to have us come train at her home on Mon., Wed., & Fri. mornings at 7:00am until we get the new gym up and running. She has 2 acres of land in the back of her house so we'll have plenty of room as well as a two car garage we can use. This is only a temporary fix and may not be ideal for most of you. But for those of you that are interested I will be charging $100.00 cash for the month to continue training.

I will set up the workouts in a Boot Camp fashion. Kettlebell training, rowing, running, body weight training, team workouts, core work and plyometric conditioning. Similar to the way we have been training for the past several weeks.

I am still in the process of working with several investors to get us in the new gym. This may take a few weeks to pull off so I ask that each of you please be patient and understand that I am doing my best to move this along as quickly as possible.

We will begin training at AnneMarie's home beginning May 3rd at 7:00am. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at 239-851-3940 or at .

Please RSVP your spot by Sun. 5-2-2010 5pm.

I would like to have an idea of how many people will be coming so I can plan appropriately.

Training: Mon. Wed., Fri.


$100.00 cash for the month

AnneMarie's Home Address:
1576 Beechwood Trail
Ft. Myers, Fl. 33919


Click here for map
Off of College Pkwy & Whiskey Creek.

Thanks and I hope to see everyone on Monday morning.

Have a great weekend,

Jeremy Barnett

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thrs. 4-29-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches

POSE Drills

Lateral Shuffles 4 x’s left & right

Back Pedal Down & Back x’s 4

Lat. Lunge Stretch

WOD: Team Row- TIMED!

Each team member must complete (10, 8, 6, 4 Calories)

After each row perform 50 Jump Ropes

When Finished:  Run to Bridge & Back

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wed.4-28-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches

Push Ups

Band Rows

Band Presses

Core Lift: DB Press- Strict

10 , 8, 6, (3 x 3)

WOD: AMRAP in 15 min.

15-Body Rows or (7 Strict Pull Ups Chest to Bar)

1-Lap Around Bldg.

15-KB Floor Presses

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tues 4-27-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches

POSE Drills

Lateral Shuffles 4 x’s left & right

Back Pedal Down & Back x’s 4

Lat. Lunge Stretch

WOD: 1 min. work, 20 sec. rest, 4 Rounds each

Complete all 4 rounds for one exercise before moving to the next exercise.

Sit Ups

Leg Raises

Planks – Hands on MB


MB Trunk Rotations

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mon 4-26-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches
Pole Overhead Squat
Band Rows
Band Presses

Core Lift: KB Single Arm Overhead Squat

5 x 5 each arm (Increase weight each set)

WOD: 2-Rounds

2-TGU’s each arm HEAVY!

10 each leg KB Overhead Lunges

10 each leg KB Box Step Ups

10 GHD Glute/Ham Raises (flex at knee)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sat. 4-24-2010 Boot Camp

(2 Rounds each partner)

Partner Sled Push 30 yrds. Each

Partner 500 m. Row each

Partner Squats 50 reps each

Partners Run 1-Lap Around Bldg. together

Partner Plate Press 20 reps each (M-45, W-25)

Plate Carry to end of drive and back (M-45, W-25)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Fri. 4-23-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches


Pole Deadlift Conventional

Pole Deadlift high Pull

WOD: 3 Rounds best time

10- each arm KB MMA Rows


10-Ring Rows

10-Push Ups

10- KB Swings

10-Lunges each leg

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thrs. 4-22-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
POSE Drills
Lateral Shuffles
Back Pedals
Lateral Lunge Stretch
Leg/Hip/Calf Stretches

5 K. Run Timed!

EA Memeber Notice of Gym Transition

Hello Crossfitters,
Just wanted to shoot out a formal recognition of what we’ve all been talking about for the past month or so. We unfortunately have to close the doors on the current location at the end of this month due to noise complaints and threatened legal action by one of the other tenants. Ironically, we are in the process of planning out an 18,000 sqft facility w/access to outdoor fields. We will be able to offer dramatically expanded services and class options, with the initial build out to begin within the next 3-6 months. However, right now we have to find a short term (30-90 day) solution to house the gym and our Crossfit family. We are diligently trying to procure an interim space until we can open the doors on the bigger, long-term facility. Currently, we have been unable to identify a suitable option that fits our temporarily limited budget and does not lock us into a long-term lease.
As a member, you are no longer being billed (as of last month). As a part of our family, we want you to know that we consider our community and our relationships extraordinarily valuable. We do not want for there to be a lapse in service and are doing everything we can to mitigate that possibility.
Please reach out to us as soon as possible if you have or know of anyone who has a space that we could utilize for WODs temporarily.
This is the call to action ladies and gentlemen. We’ve got great plans after we get through this 1-3 month pinch; please help us all get there. Please let us know of any options for space ASAP. We can explore these options either as the non-profit EA Youth Club or as temporarily private trainers. If we are unable to pull something together by the first of May we will be posting WODs to the blog, which you can do on your own or in a small group until we’re able to open another location.
Thanks for your continued participation and all of your hard work as Crossfitters. This is our “caterpillar to butterfly” moment. Please bare with us during this transitiional phase.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact Jeremy Barnett at 239-851-3940 or at .

Thank you for your support,
Jeremy Barnett

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wed. 4-21-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches

Push Ups

Band Rows

Band Presses

Core Lift: KB Floor Press

(10, 8, 6, 4, 3 x 3)

WOD: Elizabeth (21, 15, 9) Best Time

(Modify to Fitness Level)

KB Cleans each arm

Ring Dips

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tues. 4-20-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches

Figure 4’s + Run x 2


Lat. Lunge Stretch

Leg/Hip/Calf/ Stretches

WOD: 2 Rounds best time

60 Sit-Ups

1-Lap Around Bldg.

60 KTE’s

Row 500 m.

60 Sec. Planks (Hands on MB)

2-Laps Around Bldg.

30 Each Side Seated MB Trunk Rotations

60 Jump Ropes or 30 Double Unders

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mon. 4-19-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches





Core Lift: Front Squat

10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 75%, 3 x 4 x 80%

WOD: 4 Rounds EACH!

1 min. work, 20 sec. rest,(1 min. Rest Between Rounds)

Wall Ball Shots

Pull Ups

KB Swings (Men 50 lbs+, Women 30 lbs+)

BIG D Breaks 4 More Records in the APF

2010 Europa Show of Champions Orlando, Fl.

APF Powerlifting Single Ply Nationals

APF Raw Record 551 lb. Deadlift

Darian Barnett "BIG D" (ALL RAW)

Age 16,

B.W. 190lbs.

(APF 16-17 yr. old, 198 lb. Class)

2010 APF Raw 16-17 yr. Old Records
APF Raw Record Squat= 512 lbs.

APF Raw Record Bench= 308 lbs.

APF Raw Record Deadlift= 551 lbs.

APF Raw Record Total= 1371 lbs.

BIG D took 1st Place
 in the 16-17 yr. old,
198 lb. Class

BIG D with Jeremy Hoornstra at the
Europa Show of Champions
Orlando, Fl.
APF Single Ply Powerlifting Nationals

BIG D with Stan Efferding at the

2010 Europa Show of Champions
Orlando, Fl.
APF Single Ply Powerlifting Nationals

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fri. 4-16-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches



Band Rows

Band Presses

WOD: Complete (25, 20, 15, 10, 5)

Best Time Possible
KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (M-60-100, W-30-55)


Wall Ball Shots

NO Fri. NIght or Sat. Classes this week!

Dear CrossFitters,

Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be Orlando from Friday until Sunday (4-16-2010 - 4-18-2010).
I will have morning classes from 5am - 9am as scheduled on Friday but will unfortunately need to cancell the Friday 5:30pm and Sat. 9am Boot Camp for this week.
If you have any questions please contact me at 239-851-3940 or at

Thank you,
Jeremy Barnett

P.S. Wish BIG D Good Luck!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thrs. 4-15-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

POSE Drills

Lateral Shuffles

Back Pedals

MB Toe Taps


Resistance Band Lateral Shuffles 4 x 30 yrds

Back Pedal 30 yrds., Sprint forward 30 yrds. X 4

60 sec. work., 20 sec. rest, 3 Rounds each exercise

Sit Ups

Planks (Adv. Do ring planks)

Leg Raises


Lateral Planks

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wed. 4-14-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches


Pole Push Press

Band Rows

Band Presses

Core Lift: KB Single Arm Push Jerk

10, 8, 6, 4, 2 each arm
Rest 2 min. between sets
(Increase weight each round)

WOD: (Practice form/tech. & progressions for 20 min.)

5-Pull Ups

5-Push Ups

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tues. 4-13-2010 WOD

Warm Up:


Lat. Lunge Stretch

High Knees

Butt Kicks


WOD: 4 Back lot Sprints Best Time

Sprint back parking lot then light jog around front of bldg. as recovery. When you return to the back parking lot perform another sprint and repeat recovery lap.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mon. 4-12-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches


High Knees

Core Lift: Back Squat

10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 75%, 3 x 4 x 85%

WOD: 2 Rounds best time

High/Low Box Step Ups Weighted (Sandbags or KB’s)

Full length of back parking lot Lunges B.W.

EA Youth Club & Night Class:
Core Lift: KB Front Squats Heavy
10, 8, 6, 4, 2

WOD: 3 Rounds
10-Box Step Ups
10- KB Floor Presses
Plate Over Head Lunge 60 yrds.
10-KB Plank Rows
KB Farmers Carry 120 yrds.

No Friday 5:30 PM Class this week

Dear CrossFitters,

Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be Orlando from Friday until Sunday (4-16-2010 - 4-18-2010).
I will have morning classes from 5am - 9am as scheduled on Friday but will unfortunately need to cancell the Friday 5:30pm and Sat. 9am Boot Camp for this week.

If you have any questions please contact me at  239-851-3940 or at

Thank you,
Jeremy Barnett

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sat. 4-10-2010 Boot Camp

Where there is a Will there is always a Way!

1 mi. Run

100 Pull Ups

200 Push Ups

300 Squats

1 Mi. Run

3-Laps Around Bldg.

75 Pull Ups

150 Push Ups

200 Squats

3-Laps Around Bldg.

1-Lap Around Bldg.

35 Pull Ups

75 Push Ups

100 Squats

1-Lap Around Bldg.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fri. 4-9-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches
Pole Deadlift + Shrug Pull
Pole Deadlift High Pull
Pole Clean
Pole Clean N Jerk

WOD: BB Clean N Jerks

Beginner/Intermediate Practice Light (6- reps then rest 2 min.-repeat for 30 minutes)

Advanced Heavy (10 x 50%, 8 x 55%, 8 x 60%, 2 x 6 x 65%, 2 x 5 x 70%, 2 x 4 x 75%)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thrs. 4-8-2010 WOD

POSE Drill Runs
Ladder Drills
Ladder Push Ups (2 x L, 2 x R)


Single Leg Balance MB Chest Passes (10- L & 10- R x 3)

Single Leg Balance MB Overhead Passes (10- L & 10- R x 3)

Kneeling Explosive Jump to Feet (3 x 5)

Band Resistance Runs 3 x 30 yrds.

Bear Crawls 3 x 30 yrds.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wed. 4-7-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches
Pole Thrusters
Band Rows
Band Presses

Core Lift: Bench Press

10 x 50%, 8 x 65%, 6 x 75%,

2 x 5 x 80%, 2 x 4 x 85%

WOD: AMRAP in 15 min.

10-KB Thrusters Each Arm (HEAVY)

10-KB Plank Rows

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tues. 4-6-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches
High Knees
Light jog 60 yrds
Run 60 yrds
Lat. Shuffle 60 yrds
Leg/Hip/Calf Stretches

WOD: Two Teams
Men on one team & women on another team.

KB Shuttle Run 25, 30, 35, 40
5 Rounds per person

Then complete:
Men on one team & women on another team. Men compete against each other and women compete against each other. Each team member must row 200 m. then switch with another team member. Keep rotating team members until your team reaches 5000 m.
Row 5000 m.

Monday, April 5, 2010

MOn. 4-5-2010 WOD:

Dino: Old School Biceps

Mehmet: CrossFit Biceps

CrossFit Triceps

CrossFit Core, Chest, Shoulders, Back, Biceps and Triceps

Get more done in less time!

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches


Pole Squats Overhead Practice

Core Lift: Overhead Squats

10 x Bar, 8 x 25%, 6 x 35%, 4 x 45% 2 x 55%

WOD: KAREN-150 Wall Ball Shots

Men on one team and women on another team. Men split into two teams and women split into two teams. Men compete against each other and women compete against each other to complete 150 reps of Wall Ball Shots in the best time possible. Each team member will complete 10 Wall Ball Shots then pass the ball to the next team member. Continue through all team members until you finish 150 reps.

1st team finished wins!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sat. 4-3-2010 Boot Camp

Partners Training:

1 min. of work, 20 sec. rest 2 rounds

KTE's + Tire Flips (One partner flips the tire while the other performs KTE's)

MB Chest Pass + MB Rotational Passes (Same as above partner pattern)

KB Thrusters + KB High Pulls (same as above parnet pattern)

Lateral Hop on Box + Burpees

(Same as above partner pattern)

BIG D Deadlifts 540 lbs. for a New PR

BIG D Deadlifts 540 lbs. for a New PR

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fri. 4-2-2010 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches

Pole Squats

Pole SDL Practice

Single Arm/Leg Touch Downs

Core Lift: Sumo Deadlift

10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 65%,

5 x 5 x 75%

WOD: Practice 30 min.

5 TGU's each side

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thrs. 4-1-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

POSE Drills

Lateral Shuffles x 2

Back Pedal x 2

Leg/Hip/Calf Stretches


Over/Under Hurdles (6 x L & 6 x R) x 6 each person

Lateral Hop/Steps Over Cones (6 x L & 6 x R) x 6 each person

6- Cone Suicide Drills x 6 each person

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wed. 3-31-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches


High Knees

Band Rows

Band Presss

Core Lift: Shoulder Strict Press

10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 65%,

5 x 5 x 75%

WOD: 3 Rounds (HEAVY)

(Perform 10-KB Jerk Presses then perform 10-BB Rack High Pulls, then 8 for each and finish with 6 for each)

10, 8, 6- KB Jerk Press (each arm)

10, 8, 6-BB Rack High Pulls

Then Complete: 2 Rounds (Best Time)

30-Push Ups

30-Pull Ups

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tues. 3-30-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

POSE Drills

Lateral Shuffles x 2

Back Pedal x 2

Leg/Hip/Calf Stretches

WOD: Timed!

1 Lap Around Bldg.

10 Burpees

Row 400 m.

2 Laps Around Bldg.

20 Burpees

Row 800 m.

3 Laps Around Bldg.

30 Burpees

Row 1200 m.

Monday, March 29, 2010

BIG D Hits the BIG 500

BIG D Hits a 500lb. Raw Squat P.R.
Age 16, B.W. 189

Mon. 3-29-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches


Lunge Stretches

High Knees

Core Lift: Front Squats

10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x65%,

5 x 5 x 75%

WOD: 3 Rounds Best Time

25-KB Thrusters


50-Jump Rope or 25 Double Unders

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sat. 3-27-2010 Boot Camp

Event 1:

60 secs./exercise x 2 Rounds 20 sec. rest between rounds

Partner MB Trunk Rotations

Partner MB Chest Passes

Partner MB Toss & Sit Ups

Event 2: (3 Rounds)

Rope Truck Pull Hand Over Hand 50'

Run 1 Lap Around Bldg.

Sled Push Inside 60 yrds (Down & Back)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Fri. 3-26-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches



High Knees

Band Rows


Core Lift: Conventional Deadlift

10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 65%,

5 x 5 x 75%

WOD: Complete 10, 8, 6, 4 for each exercise.

(Increase weight as reps decrease)


KB or SB Carry to end of Drive and Back (HEAVY)

Weighted Lunges

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thrs. 3-25-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

POSE Drills

Lateral Shuffles x 2

Back Pedal x 2

Leg/Hip/Calf Stretches

WOD: 3 Rounds Timed!

1 mile run

20 MB Sit Ups

50 Jump Ropes

What is Crossfit, and is it good for triathletes

What is Crossfit, and is it good for triathletes

Posted using ShareThis

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wed. 3-24-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches


Push Ups

Band Rows

Band Presses

Core Lift: Bench Press

10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 65%

5 x 5 x 75%

WOD: AMRAP in 15 min.

10-Wall Ball Shots

10-Pull Ups

10-Push Ups (Adv. do MB Lateral Push Up Hops)

10-KB Plank Rows

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tues. 3-23-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

POSE Drills

Lateral Shuffles x 2

Back Pedal x 2

Leg/Hip/Calf Stretches

WOD: (10,000 m. Team Row)

Each team member will row 200 m. then perform:

10 Sit Ups

10 Leg Raises

10 each side MB Trunk Rotational Slams

When finished with core exercises wait your turn to begin rowing again.

1st Team to 10,000 m. WINS!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mon. 3-22-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches


Lunge Stretches

High Knees

Lateral Shuffles

Core Lift: Back Squats

10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 65%

5 x 5 x 75%

WOD: 3 Rounds

10-Box Jumps

20-KB Swings Single Arm

30-GHD Hypers

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sat. 3-20-2010 Boot Camp

(Two teams compete for best time)

Each team member must complete 3 rounds of:
200m. – Row
100 yrd. Sprint Relay (Must touch partners hand before partner can start)
10 – Box Jumps
20-Push Ups
30-Sit Ups

Friday, March 19, 2010

Fri 3-19-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches






Barbell Complex

3 rounds for time…. (Use 50% of your Push Press 1rm)

6 Deadlift

6 Bent Over Rows

6 Hang Cleans

6 Push Press

6 Front Squats

*the bar cannot drop in between rounds….5 burpee penalty for each drop

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thrs. 3-18-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

POSE Drills 6 laps

Lateral Shuffles x 2

Back Pedal x 2


TGU’s 3 each side x 4

KB Windmills 10 each side x 4

MB Trunk Rotations Seated 20 each side x 4

GHD Hypers 10-20 x 4

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wed. 3-17-2010 WOD:

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches






Partners Training: 4 x’s per exercise (each partner)

Push Ups (Record number of MAX push ups in 60 sec. completed by your partner. Row that number of calories. Then switch partners and repeat) (Minimum push ups to complete is 20)

KB Swings (Record number of MAX KB Swings in 60 sec. completed by your partner. Row that number of calories. Then switch partners and repeat) (Minimum KB Swings to complete is 20)

BIG D 525 lb. Deadlift

BIG D practices for his next competition April 17th at the Europa Show of Champions in Orlando. He will be competing with the APF Powerlifting Federation. His goal is to hit a 500 lb. Squat, 305 Bench Press and a 530 lb. Deadlift in the 16-17 yr. old 198 lb. weight class. Only 4 weeks to go!

BIG D 525 lb. Deadlift

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tues. 3-16-2010 WOD:

Warm Up:
POSE Drills 6 laps

Lateral Shuffles x 2

Back Pedal x 2

WOD: AMRAP in 30 min.

1-Lap Around Bldg.

Overhead Plate Carry 60 Yrds.

KB- Farmers Carry 60 Yrds.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mon. 3-15-2010 WOD

Today's Winner is David McKay. This WOD will now be named after him. David has asked that we call it "BRONCO". We will come back to re-test on this WOD in 6 weeks.
Get ready and good luck!

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches
Deadlift High Pulls

AMRAP in 3 min.

5 Plank Rows

5 Squats

*Rest 3 Min

AMCalAP in 3 (Calorie Row)

*Rest 3 Min

AMRAP in 3

5 Push Press (95/65)

5 Squats

AMCalAP in 3

*Rest 3 Min

AMRAP in 3

5 KB High Pulls (M-50-100, W-30-50)

5 Squats

*Rest 3 Min

AMCalAP in 3

*Record total number of rounds (or half rounds) of the couplet and total calories of each row.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sat. 3-13-2010

Boot Camp: 4 rounds of:

Truck Push 100'

Run back loop

6- Tire Flips 200lb. Tire

20- Ring Rows

20- Dips

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fri. 3-12-2010 WOD

Core Lift: Cleans

5 x 50%, 5 x 60, 5 x 65, 3 x 70, 3 x 75, 2 x 80, 1 x 90

Then: 3 attempts to hit a 1rm Record New PR

WOD: 3-5 Rounds
Rope Sled Pull

Box Jump x 10

KB Push Press x 10 each arm

19 yr. old Clean N Jerks 447 lbs. for World Record

This was an important meet for Caleb and Jon, as neither had yet qualified, and both needed to make PR lifts to qualify.

Jon need to both beat Big Phil from ECG’s total of 323 from American Open, and beat anything Big Phil did at this meet to get on the team. We opened at 141 in the snatch, for a stupid miss, the strength was there, but the bar was not in the right place. Jon made the lift on his 2nd attempt, then missed 146 on his third about the same way he missed his opener, not great snatches but luckily Phil also only made his opening weight of 145. If he had had a good day snatching, his lead would likely have been out of reach.

We new we had to total at least 324 going into the clean and jerk, and this meant a 183kg clean and jerk, 6kg over anything Jon had made in competition before. We also knew that if Phil ended up totalling over 323, our number would go up. We opened at 175, Phil ended at 179 for a 324 total, one more than he had made at the AO. This meant that we needed 184, we called for it and Jon went out and made it, 7kg more than he had ever made in competition, and 4kg more than he had ever made in training. What a day.

Caleb needed to make a 356 total to beat Zack Schluender for the second superheavy spot. Before the competiton, we had pretty much decided to open the snatches at 153, take 158 as a second attempt, then 161 as a third, as long as nothing major was wrong. I had also decided to take whatever he needed to make 356 as his second attempt on the clean and jerk, that would be 203 if he only made 153 snatch, 198 if he made 158 on snatch, and 195 if he made the 161… and to open with something around 10kg less than what he would need to qualify.

Well the warmups were great, with Caleb looking stronger than ever. 153 was a joke, 158 was even better, and 161 looked like a great pull with a great lockout, till it rolled behind him about 2 seconds after he locked it out. Very disapointing as Caleb had snatched 160 in training but has yet to break through that mark in competition.

In the clean and jerk, he finished warming up with 180, opened with an easy 190, then took 198 to make the Pan Am team. It was an easy success, the jerk was particularly impressive. I think Caleb drove the bar better than I have ever seen him before. We decided to try 203 for a new Junior American Record for his new third attempt. I knew he could do it but was worried about him having the same level of confidence. I shouldnt have worried, Caleb blew the weight away with one of the most awesome clean and jerks I have ever seen.

This was a great day and means Cal Strength has 3 men on the mens Pan Am team, since Donny had already qualified and didnt need to come to this meet. I couldnt have been more happy with the positive attitude and effort level of the lifters. I would also like to thank Rob Earwicker, who helped us out a ton in the warmup room by counting attempts and helping with the coaching. Thanks a lot Rob!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thrs. 3-11-2010 WOD

WOD: Timed

1-Lap Around Bldg.

20-KTE’s or 3 Inverted Ring Pulls

Row 100m.

2-Laps Around Bldg.

20-KTE’s or 3 Inverted Ring Pulls

Row 200 m.

3-Laps Around Bldg.

20-KTE’s or 20-KTE’s 3 Inverted Ring Pulls

Row 300m.

1 mi. Run

20-KTE’s or 3 Inverted Ring Pulls

Row 400 m.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wed. 3-10-2010 WOD

Core Lift: Push Press

5 x 50%, 5 x 60, 5 x 65, 3 x 70, 3 x 75, 2 x 80, 1 x 90

Then: 3 attempts to hit a 1rm Record New PR

WOD: 3 Rounds

(Modify to Fitness Level)

21 x Thrusters –(Men 65-95, Women 45-65)

21 x Burpees

21 x Ring Dips

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tues. 3-9-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

POSE Drills

Lat. Lunge Stretch

Leg/Hip/Calf/ Stretches

WOD: 2 Rounds best time

1000m. Row

1 mi. Run

EAYC Needs You!

EAYC Equipment & Competition Fund Raiser

Here is your chance to help support our local Lee County Youth. EA Youth Club needs your help and donations to purchase new equipment and cover competition costs for our EA Youth Club training program.

Here is a short list of some of the new equipment to be purchased:
  1. (2)-Yoke Carry
  2. (2)- Farmers Carry Handles
  3. (2)- Log Press
  4. (6)- Over Speed Bands
  5. (10)- Heavy Resistance Bands
  6. (1)- 50' Rope
  7. (1)- Prowler Sled
  8. Funds to Support Various CrossFit Youth Competitons
Please click the link below to help support our EA Youth Club.

Sponsor a Youth, Change a Life!
EA Youth Club Equipment Fund Raiser

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mon. 3-8-2010 WOD

Core Lift: Front Squat
5 x 50%, 5 x 60, 5 x 65, 3 x 70, 3 x 75, 2 x 80, 1 x 90

Then: 3 attempts to hit a 1rm Record New PR

WOD: 4 Rounds

Pull Ups x 10

KB Swings (Men 50 lbs+, Women 30 lbs+) x 10

Pull Ups x 10

KB Cleans (Men 35 lbs+, Women 20 lbs+) x 10 each arm

Saturday, March 6, 2010

BIG D 315 lb. Push Press PR

BIG D 315 lb. Push Press PR

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sat. 3-6-2010 Boot Camp


• 20 KB Thrusters (M-40-60 / W-20-30) /Run 400m

• 20 KB Swings (M-40-60 / W-20-30) /Run 400m

• 20 KB Overhead Squats ( M-40-60 / W-20-30) /Run 400m

• 20 Burpees /Run 400m

• 20 Pullups (Chest to Bar) /Run 400m

• 20 KB Cleans (M-40-60 / W-20-30) /Run 400m

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fri. 3-5-2010 WOD

Core Lift: Conventional Deadlift

5 x 50%, 5 x 60, 5 x 65, 3 x 70, 3 x 75, 2 x 80, 1 x 90

Then: 3 attempts to hit a 1rm Record New PR

WOD: 3 Rounds best time


10- each arm KB MMA Rows


10-Ring Rows

Carl 530 New Deadlift PR (10 lb increase)

Patric 325 1st Deadlift PR

Ameer 290 New Deadlift PR (45 lb increase)

Arthur 425 New Deadlift PR (20lb Increase)

EA Youth New PR Deadlifts:

Lalo 250 New Deadlift PR

Macho 210 1st Deadlift PR

Fabian 345 New Deadlift PR (55 lb Increase)

Kevin 245 New Deadlift PR (75 lb. increase)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thrs. 3-4-2010 WOD

5K Race Day Record New PR

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wed. 3-3-2010 WOD

Core Lift: Bench Press

5 x 50%, 5 x 60, 5 x 65, 3 x 70, 3 x 75, 2 x 80, 1 x 90

Then: 3 attempts to hit a 1rm Record New PR

WOD: Elizabeth (21, 15, 9) Best Time

(Modify to Fitness Level)

Cleans -135 lbs.

Ring Dips

Monday, March 1, 2010

Tues. 3-2-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

POSE Drills

Lat. Lunge Stretch

Leg/Hip/Calf/ Stretches

WOD: 2 Rounds best time

60 Sit-Ups

1-Lap Around Bldg.

60 KTE’s

Row 500 m.

60 Sec. Planks (Hands on MB)

2-Laps Around Bldg.

30 Each Side Seated MB Trunk Rotations

60 Jump Ropes or 30 Double Unders

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mon. 3-1-2010 WOD

Core Lift: Back Squat

5 x 50%, 5 x 60, 5 x 65, 3 x 70, 3 x 75, 2 x 80, 1 x 90

Then: 3 attempts to hit a 1rm Record New PR

WOD: 4 Rounds each
1 min. work, 20 sec. rest,(1 min. Rest Between Rounds)

Wall Ball Shots

Pull Ups

KB Swings (Men 50 lbs+, Women 30 lbs+)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sat. 2-27-2010 Boot Camp (Running Seminar)

2-Rounds Best Time:

20 Push Ups
30 Pull Ups

40 KB Swings (35/25) (20 reps/arm)

50 Sit Ups

60 Burpees

1-Lap Around Bldg


10am after morning Boot Camp

$25.00/person ONLY 15 Spots Available!!

Do you hurt when you run? Do you suffer from shin splints, knee or hip pain? Improving your running efficiency may be the key to running both pain free and faster.

You will learn the POSE running techniques in this seminar and spend two full hours with a certified CrossFit Endurance Coach learning the fundamentals of proper and efficient run technique.
Learn how to utilize CrossFit and minimize oxidative overload to improve the performances of both your short distance and endurance distance runs

Our Coaches are experts in strength and conditioning for endurance athletes.They have extensive experience in programming and in turning the mediocre performer into a great athlete!

All proceeds from this seminar will go directly to the EA Youth Club to help support our local Lee County Youth in their quest for better health, wellness and fitness. Learn more at

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fri. 2-26-2010 WOD



10am after Sat. morning Boot Camp

$25.00/person ONLY 15 Spots Available!!

Do you hurt when you run? Do you suffer from shin splints, knee or hip pain? Improving your running efficiency may be the key to running both pain free and faster.

You will learn the POSE running techniques in this seminar and spend two full hours with a certified CrossFit Endurance Coach learning the fundamentals of proper and efficient run technique.
Learn how to utilize CrossFit and minimize oxidative overload to improve the performances of both your short distance and endurance distance runs
Our Coaches are experts in strength and conditioning for endurance athletes.They have extensive experience in programming and in turning the mediocre performer into a great athlete!

All proceeds from this seminar will go directly to the EA Youth Club to help support our local Lee County Youth in their quest for better health, wellness and fitness. Learn more at

Warm Up:

Shoulder Dislocators


High Pulls

Hang Cleans


Reverse Lunge with Trunk Rotations

WOD: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 TIMED!

(Men 95-135, Women 45-65)



Front Squat

Push Press

Drew's DL PR

Congratulations to:
Drew Fenske of the EA Youth Club!

Today Drew broke his previous Deadlift PR by 35 lbs.

Nice job Drew! Keep up the hard work!

New Personal Record=380 lbs.