Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fri 10-16-09 WOD

Warm Up: 10 reps each
Shoulder Dislocators
High Pulls
Hang Cleans
Shoulder Press
Overhead Squat

Core Lift: B.B. Clean N Jerk
10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 70%, 3 x 75%, 4 x 4 x 85%

WOD 3 sets for time
10 each arm single arm KB overhead squat
20 KB swings (2-hands heavy)
20 pull-up


Anonymous said...

julie's thurs food log:
meal1:fritta(4eggs,broccoli,mushrooms,onion,cheese)2-16oz h2o,2c black coffee
meal2:protein shake(8oz h2o,1scoop pp)1/4 c nuts,5 pieces of dehydrated fruit,2-16oz h2o,1black iced coffee
meal3:1 1/2 chicken breast,large salad,1/2 c grn beans,2-16oz h2o
meal4:protein drink(8oz h2o, 1scoop pp)celery sticks,hard boiled egg,2-16oz h2o

rest day

Anonymous said...

Indira -
Sat-travel day
meal1-on plane -egg,ham, fruit
meal2-steak (brought from home)
meal3-egg, 1/2 sausage, fruit, 1/4 cup potato (plane food)
meal4- peanuts, 1 small apple, steak (from home)
snack - (at function 1 glass wine, nuts, wasabi chips)
meal5-grilled chicken & Veg

no activity

meal1- grilled chicken W/ veg, handful peanuts, small apple, decaf w/ cream
meal2- cobb salad
meal3-protein shake w/ berries, nuts
meal4-grilled chicken w/ veg

no activity

meal1- steak w/ 3 egg white, 1 apple, peanuts, decaf w/ cream
meal2- steak w/ grilled veg
meal3-protein shake w/ berries and almonds
meal4-chicken w/ salad - oil & vinegar

no activity

meal1- protein shake w/ berries
meal2-steak w/ eggs and grilled veg
meal3-protein shake, 1 small apple,
meal4- went off and ate 4 tp5 handful of mixed nuts, yogurt and peanuts, cranberries, pieces of chocolate
meal5-baked potato, grilled chicken w/ veg, ceaser salad w/ dressingon side

activity- crossfit

meal1- protein shake, berries w/ banana
meal2-grilled chicken w/ grilled veg
meal3-protein shake w berries/ sliced turkey
meal4-grilled chicken w/ beans w/ baked potato w/ decaf capp.

activity - crossfit

meal1-steak w/ eggs w/ grilled veg/ decaf w/ cream
meal2-1 apple, almonds, sirloin burger w/ grilled veg
meal3-salad w/ grilled shrimp
meal4- protein shake w/ banana, 1 apple w/ almonds

activity- crossfit