Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fri. 10-23-09 WOD

Core Lift: Conventional Deadlift
5 x 50%, 5 x 60%, 5 x 65%, 5 x 75%, 4 x 80%, 4 x 2 x 90%

WOD: HELEN- 3 Rounds best time
1-Lap Around Bldg
21 KB Swings (50-60 lb, Women 30-40 lb)
12 Pull Ups


Anonymous said...

Julie's thurs food log:
meal1:1/2 chicken breast,10 grape tomato,1black coffee,1-16oz h2o
meal2:4oz ground beef(7%),salad,4 stalks celery,1/2 apple,1black coffee,2-16oz h2o
meal3:1/2 chicken breast,1/2 apple,1-16oz h2o
meal4:1egg+2egg whites,1apple,2tsp pb,1/4c cottage cheese,2-16oz h2o
meal5:4oz turkey burger,salad,1boiled egg,1/4 asian grapefruit,1black coffee,2-16oz h2o

rest day

Anonymous said...

Janet'Thurs. FL

Meal 1 two turkey burgers, 5 prunes,coffee with cream/stevia,h20
Meal 2 (at hospital) 2 eggs, 2 sausage(bacon gone),h20
Meal 3: be true protein shake
snack: 1 apple,1TBS Pb,H20
Meal 4: 5 oz roast beef, 1whole steamed artichoke, 1 cup greenbeans,h20

Activity: rest

James Smith said...

James thursday food log:

16oz water each meal, 16oz coffee @ meal 2 w/ cream

meal 1: 6oz chicken breast, 3scrambled eggs

meal 2: 1 cheesestick, 4 oz beef jerkey

meal 3: 5oz tuna fish, 2 cups salad

meal 4: 6oz pulled pork, carrots

meal 5: protein shake (45g protein powder, banana), plain yogurt w/ honey

Anonymous said...

as rx'ed
Efrain 10:07
Ben 11:44
Andrew 9:58
Jay 11:38
Josh 10:58

Chad 14:07
Amber 14:23
Rebecca 14:26
Amy 14:56
Kim 10:50
Melissa 13:49
Justin 11:31
Eric 14:58
Stu 14:22
Julie 13:35
Janet 13:58
Donna 15:02
Artie 12:34
Lilly 14:31
Anne Marie 12:18
Rhona 16:48
Philip 18:04
Lisa 13:48
Beth 17:17
Sam 12:50
Carl 17:10
James 14:18
Serina 10:27
Lindsey 10:34