Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mon. 9-21-09 WOD

Warm Up: 5 reps each
Shoulder Dislocators
Bent Over Rows
High Pulls
Hang Cleans
Shoulder Press
Push Press
Back Squat
Reverse Lunge with Trunk Rotations

Core Lift: Front Squat
10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 70%, 3 x 75%, 4 x 4 x 85%

WOD: (15, 10, 8, 6,)- Timed
Wall Ball Shots
KB Plank Rows (each arm)

So you thought our burpees sucked. Try these!


Anonymous said...

julie's sunday food log:
meal1:protein shake(8oz h2o,1sccop pp,1tsp pb,1oz oats)1-16oz h2o
mini meal1:(on the bike)2 protein cookies,(Thank you Erika! These are great for a bike ride) 1/2 apple,5 almonds,1-16oz h2o
mini meal2:(on the bike, hungry again,)2 protein cookies,1/2 apple, 5 almonds,1-16oz h2o
meal2:1 chicken breast,4 celery stalks,1tbsp pb,1/2 apple,3-16oz h2o,1 black coffee
meal3: 1/2 chicken breast,4 stalks celery,2 figs
meal4:1 1/2 chicken breast,1/2 c shredded cabbage, 4 stalks celery. 2 tsp pb,2-16oz h2o
snack tonight:(cheat)1/2 c sugar free chocolate pudding with 1scoop of pp,(yummy!!!)

activity: bike 32 miles

Joe said...

Joe's Sunday food log:

8am 6 egg omelet with tomatoes, onions and a pinch of cheddar cheese

12noon two deli meat wraps with two slices roast beef, 1 slice swiss cheese, 2 slices of turkey. 1 apple sliced

3pm 1 apple with peanut butter, 2 slices of roast beef, small handful of almonds

6pm 7oz steak, 1 cup brussel sprouts, 1 cup green beans

Very little water today (probably 2 liters). I will try to make it up tonight.

Anonymous said...

Janet's Sat. FL
Meal 1:be true shake with 1TBS PB, coffee, cream stevia,h20
Meal 2: 4 oz turkey on ezechial bread (thank you Danny)with 1tsp mayo..nice chg.,apple, 1 cup milk
meal 3: 1/2 cott. cheese, handful almonds
meal 4: cheat meal)2oz bourbon
sesame chicken, brocoli,1/2cup fried rice.h20

activity: crossfit

Sun. FL
meal 1: 2 eggs, 2 pieces bacon, 5 stewed prunes, coffee,cream, stevia,h20
meal2: apple 1tbs. PB, 4oz turkey,h20
meal 3: 2 hardboiled eggs, 1TBS hummus,celery,h20
meal 4: 6oz lamb, 1/2cup peas, h20

bought a food scale today..amazing!!
activity: rest

Anonymous said...

Joe 6:10
Chad 8:05
Amber 8:05
Rebecca 7:15
Sarah 5:40
Amy 4:40
Erika 3:53
Carl 9:04
Justin 4:23
Kristina 7:54
Lynn 7:00
Carmen 11:36
Shelly 4:26
Daniel 7:33
Efrain 7:06
Janet 7:47
Julie 7:03
Rob 4:33
Art 7:22
Naomi 5:25
Lisa 5:33
Sebrina 5:39
Anne Marie 6:00
Beth 6:17
Ben 4:20
Jay 4:45
Josh 4:30
Lindsey 4:52
Jason 4:44
Claudine 9:21

Anonymous said...

Amy's Monday Food Log:
Meal 1 protein shake pb blueberries
Meal 2 4oz turkey almonds
Meal 3 2 cups spinach 6oz chicken avocado ov small apple
Meal 4 3oz turkey 1 oz cheese 8 almonds
Meal 5 7oz porkchop red pepper and onion