Monday, January 5, 2009

Tues. 1-6-09 WOD

Tues. 1-6-09

Warm-Up: 3 Rounds (10 sec. rest between exercises)

60 sec. Planks + 30 sec. Push Ups + 60 Squats + 60 sec. Cross legged sit ups +  30 Sec. Mountain Climbers + 30 sec. each leg Stationary Lunges


W.O.D.: AMRAP in 20 min.

20 yrd. KB Walking Swings Right (Hand Down/Left Hand Back)

10 Sandbag or Medball Clean & Presses


BIG D & Danny Sunday FUN

245lb., 285lb., 295lb. Cahin Box Squats,

50' Truck Push + 50' Truck Pull


Anonymous said...

Did you post this new video to the CF forum? I know there are people there who enjoy the vids also!

CrossFit Thoroughbreds said...

Yeah. This is the one Mr. Anonymous is complaining about.