Monday, April 5, 2010

MOn. 4-5-2010 WOD:

Dino: Old School Biceps

Mehmet: CrossFit Biceps

CrossFit Triceps

CrossFit Core, Chest, Shoulders, Back, Biceps and Triceps

Get more done in less time!

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches


Pole Squats Overhead Practice

Core Lift: Overhead Squats

10 x Bar, 8 x 25%, 6 x 35%, 4 x 45% 2 x 55%

WOD: KAREN-150 Wall Ball Shots

Men on one team and women on another team. Men split into two teams and women split into two teams. Men compete against each other and women compete against each other to complete 150 reps of Wall Ball Shots in the best time possible. Each team member will complete 10 Wall Ball Shots then pass the ball to the next team member. Continue through all team members until you finish 150 reps.

1st team finished wins!

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