Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fri. 8-28-09 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches
Pole Jerk Press
Practice KB Clean N Jerks

WOD: KB Clean N Jerks
Beginners practice- 30 min.

Int./Adv. Complete-3 Rounds for Time
15-KB CNJ’s each arm

Presely 40lb. DB Presses


Anonymous said...

Janet's Wed. F.L
Bk: 1 prot shake,1/2cup blueberries, 1cup coffee with 1tbs cream.
Snack 3/4oz cheese, 1 sm apple, 9 almonds
lunch:1 cup cott. cheese 1/2 C pineapple, celery, H20
Dinner: 1ground beef patty, green beans, lettuce,tomato,cuc.,1/8 avacado salad. H2O
Total H20: 160 oz.
activity: crossfit

Thurs. F.L
Bk:(late for work) 2 oz apple in the car.
snack: coffee with cream, stevia
Lunch: 3 oz tuna, h.boiled egg, cup cherries, celery, 1 slice whole w. bread. 8oz. skim milk
snack: 1oz. ham, edaname 1/4 cup
Dinner: fruit salad with 3/4 C cottage cheese..1/8 avacado, H20
(Not a good day in the food dept.,better tomorrow)

Anonymous said...

Julie's thursday food log
snack:1/4 c cottage cheese,1/2 c blueberries,1tsp sliced almonds, 1 string cheese, 16 0z h2o
meal 1:1 1/2 chicken breast,1c broccoli,1 salad(2c romaine 1/4 c mushrooms, 1/4 c grn pepper,1 roma tomato,4 sprays of balsamic vinegar dressing, 2 16 oz h2o
snack2:1 string cheese, 1/2 apple,1tsp sliced almonds 1-16 oz h2o
meal2:1/2 c cottage cheese, 1 apple, 2tsp pb, 1string chesse, 4 stalks celery,2-16 oz h2o
snack 3 : 1string cheese, 1/2 c blueberries, 1tsp sliced almonds,2-16oz h2o, 1c black coffee
meal 3:4 oz turkey burger, 1 oz mozz cheese, 1salad (2 c romaine, 1 tomato ,1/4 c mushrooms,1/2 c grn pepper,1/4 c cucumber, 4 sprays of balsamic dressing, 2 16 oz h2o

biked 12.2 miles

Anonymous said...

Amy meal plan for Thurs

Meal 1. 2oz chicken
Meal 2. 1 cup berries string cheese
Meal 3. 5oz chicken 1tsp mayo
Meal 4. 5oz ground beef 2oz cheese

1/2 gl water. No exercise today

Anonymous said...

Indira - Sat

lunch- 3slices pineapple/
2 scallops

dinner- 2oz grilled london broil/
2on grilled chicken/ 4oz veg cooked
in olive oil(light)

snack- 1oz ben & jerry ice-cream,
de-caf coffee w/ half and half

2 litre water/ 4 sips of vodka& Knudsen bluberry no sugar juice