Monday, July 13, 2009

Tues. 7-14-09 WOD

Best Time:

Run to bridge and back
Ride Bike to bridge and back
Row 1000 m.

If unable to run: Ride bike to the bridge and back then, to Gladiolus. Turn around and go back to the bridge then back to the gym. Then finish with the 1000 m. Row

Remember: Skipping this session and just doing a light cardio session at home or on a treadmill is NOT the same. Come in, step up to the challenge, give it 100% effort and treat it like a competition. GIVE IT YOUR ALL!!

Bring your own bike or rent one of our gym bikes for $5.00.
Please bring a bike helmet and bottle of water.

Bike rentals are 1st come 1st served!
Please make plans to join BIG D and several of our members on
July 18th, 2009 for the 3rd Annual Southwest Florida Strongman Contest. Come support our guys and girls as they compete for the title of Southwest Florida's Strongestman.

Competition starts at 12:00pm and will be located at Alli-Gators Sports Bar and Grill off Colonial Blvd. - 4451 Veronica Blvd. Fort Myers, FL

1 comment:

CrossFit Thoroughbreds said...

Best Times:
Melissa 30:54
Joe 31:02
Eric 40:42
Steph 42:37
Sam 24:41 Mod-2 bike rides
Justin 28:14
Charles 28:54
Colin 34:54
Amy 34:42
Carl 38:21
Julie 23:25 Mod-2 bike rides
Efrain 26:25
Janet 41:30 Mod-3000 m. row
Lynne 29:11
Donna 29:59 Mod 3000 m. row
Amber 37:34
Arthur 24:00 Mod-2 bike rides
Rob 33:54
Lindsay 30:47
Brandi 35:00
Indira 24:15 1 run + row
Lisa 42:30
Claudine 30:39 1 run + row
Glen 28:40
T.J. 34:14
Ben 25:22
Sarina 42:30