Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wed. 11-5-08 W.O.D.:

Craig is officially part of the 
CrossFit Seniors Program now.

Wed. 11-5-08 W.O.D.:


Warm Up: 2 Rounds

Shoulder Stretches


Front Squats with Practice Bar

Band Rows

Band Presses


W.O.D.: 20-16-10 

B.B.- Front Squat

KB Single Swing

KB-Single Arm Push Press

KB-Single Arm OH Squat

Wall Ball Shots


Sandra said...

Joe's picture is on there too... so does that mean he's in the running for the Crossfit Senior's program too? Hahaha

Anonymous said...

How did I know you were going to have a smartypants remark? Well, I am going to be in the gym tomorrow. If you feel up to showing an old geezer how to "really" smoke a workout, I would be willing to learn.

Old dogs do learn new tricks. Occasionally.