Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mon. 11-16-09 WOD

Warm Up:
5 reps each
Shoulder Dislocators
Hang Cleans
Back Squat

Core Lift: Back Squat
5 x 50%, 5 x 60%, 5 x 65%, 5 x 70%,
4 x 6 x 75%,

WOD: (15, 10, 8, 6,)- Partners Timed
KB Thrusters
Pull Ups

Pick 'em up and get it goin' Ben

Push it Stew

It's just a blur when Jeremy does his kipping

Pushn' it Peter

These girls are flying

Sarina's 160 lb. warm up squats

Hollie's Bulgarian Squats

Sarina getting it!

Nice front squat Peter

Now that's deep Lisa

Phil warming up with the bench

1 comment:

CrossFit Thoroughbreds said...

Best Times:
Amy 8:50
Sara 8:50
Chad 10:25
Doug 10:25
Ave' Practice
Becca Practice
Erika 4:08
Lisette 6:19
Jack 6:23
Wayne 10:18
Lynne 10:18
Julie 6:33
Efrain 8:19
Daniel 8:19
Donna 7:36
6-Pack 8:04
Janet 7:40
Lily 5:38
Verella 7:16
Ellen 4:44
Rob 6:32
Arthur 6:32
AnneMarie 5:00
Sarina 5:31
Lindsay 5:31
Lisa 6:24
Beth 6:24
Ben 6:24
Josh 6:24
Stew 6:39
Peter 6:39
Mehmet 4:22
Jeremy 4:22